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Sustainable style inspiration: 8 vegan influencers you should be following

Sustainable style inspiration: 8 vegan influencers you should be following

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Veganism is not just a diet, it’s a lifestyle. The goal of a vegan lifestyle is to eliminate the consumption or support of any items that use animal products, animal testing, or any form of animal cruelty in the supply chain including food, clothing, beauty products and more. Vegan practices can sometimes be combined with sustainable living principles.. The two philosophies complement each other well to create a holistic approach to eco-friendly living.

Many influential vegan bloggers, influencers, and activists expertly show the benefits of adopting a vegan lifestyle. So, if you're looking for a little motivation or just hoping to be more mindful of your daily choices, engaging with these influencers is a great way to start.

Here are eight influencers on Instagram that combine their vegan ethics with sustainable living goals to inspire your eco-friendly lifestyle:

8 Vegan Influencers You Should Follow

valeria hinojosa waterthruskin

01.Valeria Hinojosa

IG: @waterthruskin


Valeria Hinojosa is a Colombian influencer who has become incredibly popular with her lifestyle blog documenting vegan recipes, sustainable shopping and eco-friendly beauty and fashion. Most importantly, Valeria loves our planet and the life it supports. She passionately promotes a vegan lifestyle that minimises harm to the environment.

Valeria is not just a vegan influencer either, but a social entrepreneur and adventure explorer. She has travelled to many different parts of the world in search of new and exciting vegan cuisine. Her chic and sophisticated style gets her followers excited about eco-friendly fashion.

02.Immy Lucas

IG: @sustainably_vegan


immy lucas sustainably_vegan

Immy Lucas is a vegan influencer who is dedicated to sustainability. Her blog,, is all about educating people on how to make simple everyday changes that have a positive impact on the environment.

Immy’s vibe is fun and relatable, and her content makes sustainable choices feel accessible to everyone. She covers a wide range of vegan-related topics: DIY hair products, sustainability tips, and vegan cooking tutorials that are not only delicious but also earth-friendly.

corinna kissenundkarma


IG: @kissenundkarma


Currently living in Stuttgart, Germany, Corinna is a sustainable fashion blogger who has built an online community that promotes cruelty-free, eco-friendly fashion and launched her own brand of sustainable lingerie a few years ago.

Corinna describes herself as “mainly” a vegan, but also limits her consumption and lives a low-waste lifestyle. Her blog provides tons of inspiration for fair trade home decor, environment-friendly travel, and vegan recipes, plus great tips on mindset changes to shop more sustainably.

04.Shruti Jain

IG: @Styledestino


shruti jain styledestino

Shruti Jain is a sustainable fashion blogger known for her luxurious style. As the founder of, Shruti frequently gives valuable insights on ethically-sourced fashion and beauty products. She also loves sharing her best vegan recipes, environmentally-conscious travel diaries and beauty product recommendations to help her followers live an eco-friendly lifestyle. She inspires her audience to preserve the planet by making small changes in their everyday lives.

emmanuelle rienda vegan fashion week

05.Emmanuelle Rienda

IG: @emmanuellerienda, @veganfashionweek


Emmanuelle is the founder of Vegan Fashion Week which came to life after she recognized how much damage the fast fashion industry was doing to animals and the planet. Vegan fashion week has received worldwide recognition and has grown into a global platform that promotes sustainable, eco-friendly, and cruelty-free vegan fashion.

Emmanuelle's Instagram is full of photos of models and everyday people wearing sustainable and eco-friendly clothing. For those interested in sustainable living, vegan accessories and eco-fashion, Emmanuelle’s feed is inspirational and aspirational.


IG: @jessbeautician


jessica jessbeautician

Jessica is a vegan blogger with a background in the beauty industry. She shares vegan recipes, product reviews, and tips on her blog for living a cruelty-free lifestyle. One of Jessica's main goals is to help people reduce their environmental impact by promoting second-hand or sustainable fashion. Her wealth of knowledge plus her passion for sustainability inspires small changes that make a big difference.

isaias hernandez queer brown vegan

07.Isaias Hernandez

IG: @queerbrownvegan


Isaias’s passion for sustainability stems from his experience growing up in a community that faces environmental injustice. Isaias masterfully combines environmental truths with humour to educate others on the importance of living a sustainable lifestyle and offers accessible tips to get started.

Isaias’s content analyzes the intersection between environmental and racial injustice and LGTBQ+ issues, specifically how queer people and people of color tend to feel the worst effects of climate change and environmental destruction.

08.Cindy Villaseñor

IG: @cerowastecindy


cindy villasenor cero waste cindy

As an educator, environmental activist and advocate, and lover of the outdoors, Cindy Villaseñor is a powerful force for change. She has been working tirelessly for years to promote sustainability, and her passion for the environment comes through in everything she does.

If you're looking for inspiration to live more sustainably, following Cindy is a great place to start. Her love for the planet is undeniable, and her enthusiasm for eco-friendly living is contagious.

Why Should You
Follow Sustainable

celebrate vegan lifestyle through sustainable influencers

Why Should You
Follow Sustainable

1. They Promote a Balanced, Mindful Vegan Lifestyle

One of the most inspiring aspects of vegan influencers is that they create a fun and engaging community around being vegan. They encourage their followers to embrace a lifestyle of mindfulness, balance and unity with the environment.

Most influencers that combine sustainable and vegan living are understanding of different lifestyles and promote the idea that we don't need to all become vegans to make a difference. Also, they tend to reinforce the concept that veganism is about making better, more ethical choices and showing others that striving for a more ethical lifestyle and mindset is achievable.

2. They Make Being Vegan Fun and Inclusive

One of the most positive aspects about these influencers is that they make veganism seem more approachable and inviting, even to non-vegans, who might otherwise consider the shift to veganism to be too major a lifestyle change.

Vegan influencers provide followers access to their daily lives, addressing many facets of their routines including their meals, clothes, habits, and hobbies. This wide lens makes it easy and fun for followers to learn about making animal-friendly choices in a variety of situations. From travelling across the globe to eating out at restaurants, they show that veganism is a lifestyle of balance, and does not have to be restrictive. Small changes from many people over a long period of time will lead to big results that greatly benefit our environment and the living things around us.

waterthruskin vegan food
3. They Show the Delicious, Fashionable, and Sustainable Side of Veganism

In a society where eating meat and dairy is so ingrained in our culture, vegan influencers try to show their followers that vegan food can be just as fun and delicious as eating animal products. Vegan foods offer a wide range of flavors and experiences meant to be explored.

Vegan influencers often promote the use of ethical beauty and fashion products that are not only chic but also cruelty-free. Many well-known vegan influencers display their support of slow eco-friendly fashion that rejects exploitative practises within the fashion industry which are harmful to the environment, animals, and people. They can inspire us with new places to shop, styles to try, or tips on being more mindful about our shopping, while still looking absolutely fabulous.

Make a Difference by Following Another's Lead

A sustainable lifestyle is about living in a way that helps the environment and minimises your impact. It's also about being conscious of what you buy, wear, eat, and do each day to help create change.

These 8 vegan Instagrammers are all doing their part by advocating for eco-friendly lifestyles through offering sustainability tips and promoting cruelty-free fashion and beauty products online.

If you become a part of their community, you'll get inspired by those around the world who are making strides towards reducing our collective carbon footprint one small step at a time.

By following in these insiders' footsteps, you too could make a difference by living a more sustainable lifestyle.

At Laflore Paris, we support sustainable living, eco-friendly fashion, and vegan accessories without sacrificing style.

We've combined a classic look with the newest eco-friendly materials to create something so stunning, you'll enjoy its beauty and quality for years to come. Read Our Story, and see for yourself how you can be fashionable and help save the world.

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