We are the future, the givers of life and nurturers of tomorrow.
Going beyond the call of duty, pushing themselves beyond their limits, women who definitely stand out in the crowd. We are so inspired by their stories we just had to share them with our Laflore Family.
Chantal Petitclerc was 13 years old when an accident claimed the use of her legs. Five years later, in a homemade wheelchair, she entered her first race as a wheelchair athlete, crossing the finish line in last place. Determination kicked in and this now retired athlete, activist and mother has 21 Paralympic medals under her belt, 14 of them Gold! Chantal participated in races ranging from 100 meters to 1,500 meters, claiming more than one Gold Medal in every category. Amongst her other accomplishments, Chantal was inducted into Canada’s Sports Hall of Fame, received the Order of Canada, and currently serves as a Senator for the Government of Canada.

“If you have a strong commitment to your goals and dreams,
We couldn’t agree more!
Toulouse, France. Leading specialist in medical 3D printing technology, building everything from trachea, jawbones and even human noses for patients requiring reconstructive surgery due to cancer. Her collaborative research and skilled surgical procedures are transforming the lives of her patients; bringing them hope and new life.

“Today, I am working in particular on the development of a biocompatible cement which would make it possible to print a biocompatible surgical implant”.
As the mother of 2 little girls, she also wishes to help the representation of women in the field of health (currently only 20% of university professors are women).
“It is difficult to balance family life and professional life. My husband is also a doctor. We work a lot and also have on-call duty. But I am passionate about my job, I love my patients. My daughters understand that.
In collaboration with her colleague Dr. Vairel, Dr. Duprez-Boriès was able to perform the first complete nasal reconstruction on a patient who lost his nose 10 years before, following extensive cancer treatment. Astonishing!
Amanda Hall is the Founder and CEO of Summit Nanotech, a company doing ground-breaking work, developing innovations that protect the planet. “For six years, I worked for the biggest gas producer in North America. As a geophysicist, my job was to work with a team to find oil and gas...
Amanda and her team are making great strides towards a greener, brighter tomorrow! Founded in 2018, Summit Nanotech has an all female management committee, a serious rarity in the mining (any many other) sectors.

“My team leads with passion, agility and humility; you don’t often see this caliber of female leadership in one company”.
“We’ve created a technological process to take lithium out of natural occurring brine … creating significantly less chemical waste while doubling yield ….”
We salute you!
Award winning Rachel Perkins was born in Canberra, Australia and at the age of 18 moved to Alice Springs to begin a training program at the Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association. Frustrated with the portrayals of Indigenous cultures, Perkins founded Blackfella Films. Blackfella Films is committed to culturally significant stories by and about Australia's indigenous peoples. She also created The Black Book , an Indigenous media and arts directory. Her films include: Jasper Jones, One Night the Moon, Mabo and many others.

Beautifully said, Rachel. Here’s to the future!

Lawyer, activist, environmentalist, and Vice-President of Columbia. In 2014, together with 18 other women, Francia Elena started the “mobilization of the black women for the protection of life and ancestral lands”. They walked from their territory to the capital, visiting other communities along the way that were also facing imminent extinction. In 10 days they walked 350 kilometers, reaching Bogota with the complete support of 150 women. In 2015 Francia Elena received the Colombia National Prize and she was invited to take part in the peace process in La Havana.
A truly extraordinary trailblazer . . . .

May you find inspiration in the world and in women around you.
Wishing you all a day, a week, a lifetime of inspiration and may you be an inspiration to those around you.
Until next time . . . .